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2024 ASP Summer Camp

7월 01일 (월)



2024 ASP Summer Camp
2024 ASP Summer Camp

Time & Location

2024년 7월 01일 오전 9:00 – 2024년 8월 30일 오후 4:00

Yongin-si, 91 Poeun-daero, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

About the Event

<초등 Elementary>

ASP에서는 여름 방학을 맞아 학생들이 알찬 시간을 보낼 수 있도록 영어 STEM 캠프를 운영할 예정입니다. 여름캠프는 ASP 재학생과, 외부 학생들을 대상으로 각 세션별 특성이 다른 3개의 캠프가 진행됩니다. 각 섹션별 프로그램에 대한 설명은 별도의 안내문과 브로셔를 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

American STEM Prep. Summer Camp에 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 기다립니다. 


- 1차 캠프: 2023.07.01. (Mon) – 2023.07.19. (Fri) (3주) 

- 2차 캠프: 2023.07.22. (Mon) – 2023.08.09. (Fri) (3주)

- 3차 캠프: 2023.08.12. (Mon) – 2023.08.30. (Fri) (3주)

* 1,2,3차 캠프 담당 교사와 프로그램이 상이하기 때문에 세 캠프를 모두 참여하는 것도 가능합니다.

* 캠프 기간 중 공휴일(광복절)은 정상 수업이 진행됩니다.

◎수업 내용 및 스케줄: 첨부파일(캠프 프로그램) 참조

◎수업 시간: 09:00 AM – 03:20 PM

◎정원: 한 클래스당 최대 인원 15명이며, 신청 학생수와 학생들의 영어수준을 고려하여 학년별 합반 수업이 진행될 수 있습니다.



- 1 Session (3주) 교육비: 1,850,000원 - 포함내역: 3주 교육비, 수업/STEM 실험 재료비, 필드트립 1회, 캠프 티셔츠

- 불포함내역: 식비 (오전간식, 오후간식, 점심식사), 셔틀버스비용

* 식비: 165,000원 (VAT 포함)

* 셔틀버스비용: 취합 후 공지

◎교육비 감면 혜택

혜택 1) 조기등록혜택: 4월 30일 이전까지 캠프 등록 완료 시, 수업료의 10% 감면

혜택 2) 2개 세션 등록 시 수업료의 5% 감면, 3개 세션 등록 시 수업료의 10% 감명

혜택 3) 형제/자매 등록 혜택: 수업료의 5% 감면

* 교육비 감면 혜택은 중복으로 적용 가능하며, 모든 혜택은 신청기간내에 등록절차를 완료하는 가정에 한하여 제공됩니다.


셔틀 버스이용을 원하시는 가정은 추후 발송되는 셔틀버스 이용여부 설문을 통하여 신청 해주시기 바랍니다. 설문조사 기한 내에 신청하지 않으시거나, 셔틀의 운영이 어려운 지역에 거주를 하시는 경우에는 이용이 어려울 수 있으므로 양해 부탁드립니다.

◎캠프 입소 Test

(외부 학생만 해당) 원활한 수업진행 및 클래스 배정을 위한 간단한 입소 테스트가 진행될 예정입니다.

◎신청기간 2024.3.8 - 2024.6.7

* ASP 재학생은 모든 학생이 참여할 수 있도록 할 예정이나, 외부학생 프로그램은 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.

◎ASP 여름캠프 참여신청 링크 


ASP is planning to provide a STEM summer camp program in July and August. The STEM summer camp will be operated in two groups, one for ASP students and the other for non-ASP students. Please see more details as below. We look forward to your participation in American STEM Prep. Summer Camp. 

◎ Period

Camp Session 1 : 2024.07.01 (Mon) – 2024.07.19 (Fri) (3 weeks)

Camp Session 2 : 2024.07.22 (Mon) – 2024.08.09 (Fri) (3 weeks)

Camp Session 3 : 2024.08.12 (Mon) – 2024.08.30 (Fri) (3 weeks)

*Because these three programs are operated with three different themes with a different group of teachers, ASP students could join all three programs if they wish to. * Classes will be held as normal on a holiday (August 15th Independence Day).

◎ Class Content and Schedule

Please refer to the attached file.

◎ Class Hours: 09:00 AM – 03:20 PM

◎ Class size: Up to 15 students per class

◎ Tuitions

Non-ASP students - Tuition for 1 Session (3 weeks): 1,850,000 won - Included: tuition for 3 weeks, STEM materials, fees for one field trip, Summer Camp T-shirt

- Not Included: Lunch/Snack (Morning/ Afternoon Snack, Lunch), Shuttle fees

* Lunch/Snack: 165,000 won (VAT included)

* Shuttle fees: will be announced later

◎ Discount Information

1) Early Enrollment: 10% discount on tuition if you register for the summer camp before April 30th.

2) Registration for 2 or more sessions: 5% discount for registration for 2 sessions / 10% discount for registration for 3 sessions

3) Sibling Discount: 5% discount on tuition for siblings

* Discounts can be applied for multiple instances, and all discounts are subject to completion of the registration process within the application period.

◎ Shuttle Service

If you would like to use the shuttle service, please fill out the application by June 7th. Please note that it may be difficult for you to use the service if you do nat apply within the deadline or if you live in an area where the shuttle service is difficult to operate.

◎ Admissions Test

For those students who do not attend ASP, a short admissions test will be conducted.

Camp Application Period

2024.3.8 - 2024.6.7

* We will have seats available for all our ASP students, and yet, for those who do not attend ASP, there might be a limited number of seats.

Camp Application Link

<중고등 Middle&High>

ASP MH 2024년  썸머  스쿨 코스는 전 세계적으로 교육 분야에서 광범위한 영향력을 가지고 있는 미국의 교육 서비스 및 출판 기업인 맥그로힐(McGraw-Hill)의 자회사, Studysync의 커리큘럼으로 영어 집중 코스로  선택 과목 학점을 취득할 수 있는 썸머 스쿨을 운영합니다.

이번 썸머 스쿨 코스 동안 ASP MH 학생들은 영문학 작품을 읽고 분석하며 비평하고 작문하는 연습을 통해 문학적 이해력과 작문 능력 향상과 현재의 글로벌 이슈에 관련된 학생들의 디지털 능력, 공개 연설 능력 향상을 기대합니다.

관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.

l Output

- 6주 과정 : 선택 과목 1학점 취득

<학점 취득 선택 과목명 >

1. Literary Analysis and Composition (0.5)

2. Speech and Communication(0.5)

- 3주 과정 :  코스 수료증

<수료 코스명 >

Advanced Literary and Communication Skills

l 운영기간

Session 1 :  24년 7월 8일 ~ 26일 (3주간)

Session 2 :   24년 8월 5일  ~ 23일 (3주간)

* 캠프기간 중 공휴일(광복절)은  정상수업이 진행됩니다.

l 수업 시간  : 09:00 AM ~15:20 PM

l 영어 레벨별 수업

신청 학생 수와 학생들의 영어 실력(Map test점수 기준)에 따라 레벨별 수업을 진행합니다.

l 신청 기간 : 2024.4.8 – 2024.6.7

l 코스

Course  1 : Crafting Voices: Navigating the Landscape of Modern Literature

코스 1은 문학적 표현과 분석에 대한 심층적인 탐구를 제공하여 학생들이 복잡한 아이디어를 글로서 탐색하고 표현하는 기술을 갖출 수 있도록 합니다.

StudySync의 포괄적인 자원을 통해 다양한 문학 장르와 스타일을 다루며, 비판적 사고, 창의적 글쓰기, 그리고 텍스트 분석을 강조합니다. 학생들은 다양한 맥락에서 효과적으로 소통하는 법을 배우며, 급변하는 디지털 환경에서 학업 및 개인적 성공을 위해 준비됩니다.

Week 1: The Essence of Narrative

Focus: Exploring the elements of storytelling and narrative structure.

Activities: Analyzing short stories, crafting character sketches.

Week 2: Poetry and Its Forms

Focus: Understanding poetic forms, devices, and interpretations.

Activities: Writing personal poems, peer review sessions.

Week 3: Persuasive Writing Techniques

Focus: Learning persuasive techniques and argumentative structures.

Activities: Drafting opinion pieces on current issues, workshop critiques.

Week 4: The World Through Drama

Focus: Investigating the elements of drama and theatrical expression.

Activities: Reading a play, performing a monologue.

Week 5: Nonfiction and Reality

Focus: Diving into nonfiction genres: biography, essay, journalism.

Activities: Researching and presenting on a nonfiction topic.

Week 6: Integrating Literature and Digital Media

Focus: Combining traditional literary skills with digital media.

Activities: Creating multimedia presentations of literary analysis.


Course 2 : Global Perspectives: Articulating Insights on Contemporary Issues

코스 2는 McGraw-Hill의 SyncBlasts를 통해 현재의 글로벌 이슈에 관련된 학생들의 디지털 능력과 공개 연설 능력을 향상시키는 데 초점을 맞춥니다. 각 세션은 다양한 주제를 탐구하고, 학생들이 매주 통찰력 있는 연설을 작성하고 전달하도록 하는 것으로 진행되어,짧고 집중된 시간 동안 비판적 사고와 효과적인 소통을 육성합니다.

이 형식은 학생들이 글로벌 사안에 대한 견해를 표현할 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공함으로써 학업 및 현실 세계의 도전에 대비하도록 목표를 설정하고 있습니다.

Week 1: Digital Citizenship

Objective: Understand the rights, responsibilities, and ethical considerations of digital interaction.

Activities: Discuss the impact of digital footprints; explore case studies on digital ethics.

Week 2: Environmental Challenges

Objective: Analyze current environmental issues and their global impact.

Activities: Research and present on topics like climate change, pollution, and conservation efforts.

Week 3: Technological Innovations

Objective: Investigate how recent technological advancements are shaping society.

Activities: Group discussions on AI, renewable energy, and space exploration; prepare individual speeches.

Week 4: Social Justice and Equality

Objective: Explore issues of social justice, equity, and human rights.

Activities: Analyze news articles and documentaries; present speeches on chosen issues.

Week 5: Global Health Concerns

Objective: Examine global health challenges, including pandemics and healthcare accessibility.

Activities: Research on ongoing health crises; speech on the importance of global health initiatives.

Week 6: Cultural Exchange and Globalization

Objective: Understand the effects of globalization on cultural exchange and identity.

Activities: Share insights from interviews or articles on the cultural impacts of globalization; final speech presentation.

*주간 계획 및 주제는 변경될 수 있습니다

중등 카카오채널 링크 :

캠프 신청 링크 :


ASP MH's 2024 Summer School courses are operated as an English-intensive program where students can earn elective credits through the curriculum of StudySync, a subsidiary of McGraw-Hill, a leading education services and publishing company with extensive influence in the global education sector.

During this summer school course, ASP MH students will engage in reading, analyzing, and critiquing works of literature, as well as practicing writing, with the aim of enhancing their literary comprehension and composition skills. Additionally, students are expected to improve their digital literacy and public speaking abilities related to current global issues.

We look forward to welcoming all interested parties to the ASP MH Summer School.


- 6-week Course: Earn 1 elective credit

<Elective Credit Course >

1.Literary Analysis and Composition (0.5)

2.Speech and Communication (0.5)

- 3-week Course: Certificate of Completion

<Certificate Course >

1.Advanced Literary and Communication Skills


Session 1: July 8th to 26th, 2024 (3 weeks)

Session 2: August 5th to 23rd, 2024 (3 weeks)

*Regular classes will be held on Liberation Day.

<Class Hours>

09:00 AM to 03:20 PM

<English Level-based Classes>

Classes will be conducted at different levels based on the number of applicantsand students' English proficiency (based on Map test scores).

<Camp Application Period>

2024.3.8 – 2024.6.7


-Course 1

Crafting Voices: Navigating the Landscape of Modern Literature

This course offers a deep dive into literary expression and analysis, equipping students with the skills to explore and articulate complex ideas in written form.

Through StudySync's comprehensive resources, the course covers a wide range of literary genres and styles, emphasizing critical thinking, creative writing, and textual analysis.

Students will learn to communicate effectively in various contexts, preparing them for both academic and personal success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Week 1: The Essence of Narrative

Focus: Exploring the elements of storytelling and narrative structure.

Activities: Analyzing short stories, crafting character sketches.

Week 2: Poetry and Its Forms

Focus: Understanding poetic forms, devices, and interpretations.

Activities: Writing personal poems, peer review sessions.

Week 3: Persuasive Writing Techniques

Focus: Learning persuasive techniques and argumentative structures.

Activities: Drafting opinion pieces on current issues, workshop critiques.

Week 4: The World Through Drama

Focus: Investigating the elements of drama and theatrical expression.

Activities: Reading a play, performing a monologue.

Week 5: Nonfiction and Reality

Focus: Diving into nonfiction genres: biography, essay, journalism.

Activities: Researching and presenting on a nonfiction topic.

Week 6: Integrating Literature and Digital Media

Focus: Combining traditional literary skills with digital media.

Activities: Creating multimedia presentations of literary analysis.

-Course 2

Global Perspectives: Articulating Insights on

Contemporary Issues

This intensive summer course focuses on enhancing students' digital literacy and public speaking skills by engaging them with current global issues through SyncBlasts by McGraw-Hill. Each session involves exploring diverse topics, followed by the students crafting and delivering insightful speeches each week, fostering critical thinking and effective communication within a short, concentrated timeframe. This format aims to prepare students for academic and real-world challenges by providing a platform to express their views on global affairs.

Week 1: Digital Citizenship

Objective: Understand the rights, responsibilities, and ethical considerations of digital interaction.

Activities: Discuss the impact of digital footprints; explore case studies on digital ethics.

Week 2: Environmental Challenges

Objective: Analyze current environmental issues and their global impact.

Activities: Research and present on topics like climate change, pollution, and conservation efforts.

Week 3: Technological Innovations

Objective: Investigate how recent technological advancements are shaping society.

Activities: Group discussions on AI, renewable energy, and space exploration; prepare individual speeches.

Week 4: Social Justice and Equality

Objective: Explore issues of social justice, equity, and human rights.

Activities: Analyze news articles and documentaries; present speeches on chosen issues.

Week 5: Global Health Concerns

Objective: Examine global health challenges, including pandemics and healthcare accessibility.

Activities: Research on ongoing health crises; speech on the importance of global health initiatives.

Week 6: Cultural Exchange and Globalization

Objective: Understand the effects of globalization on cultural exchange and identity.

Activities: Share insights from interviews or articles on the cultural impacts of globalization; final speech presentation.

*Weekly plans and topics are subject to change.

Middle&High KakaoTalk Channel :

Camp Application Form Link :

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Contact Us

Elem Tel: 031-212-9117


M.H Tel: 031-214-1130



Elem: 91, Poeun-daero, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16863

M.H: 113, Poeun-daero, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16863

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